Friday, July 26, 2024

The U.S. government has an official plan for a zombie apocalypse

 Yep, you read it right, the US Government has an Official Plan written and prepared in case a Zombie Apocalypse becomes a reality.

Too much "The Walking Dead"? Well, the truth is that a large part of Americans are interested in conspiracy theories, the paranormal, and so on. It's well known that some have even dedicated a fortune to have a bunker in their homes with drinking water, canned food, weapons, and everything necessary to survive in case they have to cloister themselves for a while. 

And as for the 31-page Anti-Zombie Domination Plan, or CONPLAN 8888-11, it was designed in 2011. And in case someone in the future opens it thinking it was done just as weird bureaucratic humor, the first line says: "This plan was actually not designed as a joke".

The fear of it becoming a reality is so great that countless survival kits with up to 170 items and everything you can imagine are sold on Amazon.:

Crazy, huh? 

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Saturday, December 2, 2023

7 reasons why nice guys always end up in the friendzone.

Why does she choose that oaf?” He wonders, the one who treats her like a queen and puts everything on a silver platter for her, no one blames the good kids, that's how many of us were raised, “be respectful, behave,” all of that is fine, but too much is the master key to unlock a room called The Friendzone, but, did I say room? It's more like a huge warehouse where all the good guys are, the ones who typically try to reach a woman's heart by being very kind to them.

So, what could the good guy be doing wrong?

1.- Always be a little TOO available!

Apply it to yourself, if you always had something, whatever and whenever you wanted and how you wanted, would you still find it attractive? What we happen to have just a little of, what we don't know if it will be available when we want, that's what attracts us!

So whenever she calls and without exception you say “of course, I'll be there right away”, you are putting everything on a silver platter, and by everything I mean all the reasons for her to send you to the Friendzone.

2.- A shoulder to cry on, a counselor, and a psychologist. 

Earn her trust is one thing, but becoming another of her beffies works against you abysmally, this goes hand in hand with the first point, if you are always available to listen to how another jerk broke her heart it simply won't take you anywhere, well... it´ll take you to her couch to hear about her latest rupture one more time, but no further than there. How to avoid this? You better not cross the line of the Friendzone, stand up straight and make your feelings clear: You are her suitor! Not his “beffie”, “BFF”, “friend”, and by no means her "counselor".

3.- You try to please her at all costs. 

Don't get me wrong, they love a gentleman who knows how to treat them like a queen, in the proper way, but if your whole life revolves around her approval, what are you doing? If to every comment she makes, like “I love cats” you respond: “Me too!”, or you agree and perform every request she makes without exception... Go and buy yourself a nail polish kit at once. In your incessant efforts to satisfy her you are only showing her your lack of will and a weak personality, you cannot blame her for labeling you as a man who has no opinions of his own (someone who is not interesting).

4.- Demasiado miedo a la iniciativa.

She may perceive your shyness as “cute,” but if you expect her to suddenly grab you and say she can't take it anymore and kiss you… Where do you stand as a man? She can be very open-minded, but it's still up to you to take the interaction to a romantic level. Okay, it's 21st century! This and that... maybe she expects to feel the advancements in your relationship are up to both of you, just don't let her bear all the weight of the progress (unless she's like... reeeeally really into shy boys)

5.- The annoying habit of giving advice when no one asked for it.

By reminding her what she is doing wrong and what she should do with phrases like “maybe if you gave yourself the chance with someone who isn't a jerk” frankly... you are yelling at her that you like her, that you want something more with her but you are so afraid and lacking initiative that you want her to ask you to be her boyfriend. Pathetic, don't you think? Plus she already has a mother and/or sisters for those little tips and love advice.

6.- You fall into the Friendzone because you allow it.

If you are too kind and such a good boy, you will be like a boxing bag, someone who does not defend himself, there is a difference between being kind and having no character. If you never object to being “friendzoned” you will simply never get out of that category.

How do you object? With actions. Every time she starts treating you like her best friend, you do something that makes it clear to her who you are: her suitor. For example, a “beffie” does not steal kisses, nor does he look at her from top to bottom and say “you are absolutely stunning today”

7.- And finally the most common and important reason why you fall into the Friendzone.

You are boring! Sorry to say it like that but good guys rarely offer something exciting and fun to do, under the constant pressure of being a good boy they stop being funny and adventurous, have you heard the saying “if you want to reach her heart make her laugh”? It doesn't mean you have to act like a clown on a unicycle, nor does it mean being a reckless adventurer addicted to adrenaline.

Just give her memorable fun times with you, something that she relates to you and can say "that was amazing", examples include camping, sports, concerts, trips, dancing, and a long etcetera that a good boy would say "I'll pass", you better do not pass; Go ahead! 

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Friday, December 1, 2023

How's that Roger from American Dad started to wear disguises?

If you are a loyal fan of this series, you probably already know the answer to how Roger, the alien from the Smith family, began to dress up until he created a pretty big list of personas that somehow he manages to differentiate even after providing them with their own background, skills, and more distinguishable and unique characteristics.

And if you don't follow the series, or haven't given it a try, we have no choice but to extend our broad recommendation so that you can start watching this wonderful series that combines intelligent and absurd humor.

Now yes, let's continue to answer:

How did it all begin?

Well, it was actually Steve who caused Roger to start dressing up.

At first Roger did not leave the house, he was forbidden to do so, in episode 4 of the series titled "Francine's Flashback" Steve gets the beautiful Stacey Coolidge to agree to go out with him on the condition that he get a companion for her not-pretty-at-all friend Jewel.

Steve convinced Roger to pretend to be a Jamaican, this becoming Roger's first disguise and making Steve responsible for Roger starting this hilarious habit of impersonating himself as different people. Thanks, Steve!

It didn't take long for us to see Roger's second costume, in the next episode "Roger Codger" the alien had to resort to a disguise again to go unnoticed.

And from then on more and more costumes began to be added to the list.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Car features that just dissapeared over time


Cars in the 80s and 90s were in constant battle to show innovations and cars were becoming more and more technologically advanced. Those advances also came with a lot of bad ideas that were not fulfilled. As an example, features such as pop-up headlights were phased out, they looked great, can't argue that, but they experienced constant breakdowns.

Car technology is constantly changing with new advances in design, let's take a look at some of the automotive industry's most notorious, and currently defunct, car features.

1. Wooden side panel.

The image of a family going on vacation in a minivan with wood side panels was perfect to encourage the average citizen to get one, minivans with this feature appeared in numerous movies. Many 1980s car models came with wood panels on the side. While this was not bad at the time, it was done cheaply. By today's standards, most of these wood panels have fallen off, disintegrated, or looks all weathered by the sun. Many different cars used wood panels during this period.

2. Automatic seat belts.

In an attempt perhaps to make the ultra-difficult task of putting on a seat belt more comfortable and less tedious, many compact cars manufactured in the 1980s had this feature. If you remember getting into an older Accord or Civic, you've probably gotten tangled in the automatic seat belts at one time or another, I had a Nissan Tsuru II that had this feature. The concept was that the driver and passenger would always wear seat belts. Although the intentions were good, these seat belts often broke down or got stuck.

3. Long-range radio kits.

Prior to the advent of cell phones, cars in the 1980s had the option of coming with a long-range radio kit. They were excellent for businessmen and transporters, they just had to find a free frequency and that's it, the problem was that the conversations were not always private.

4. T-tops.

While General Motors was responsible for creating the removable roof design, many other automakers adopted it. T-tops were an almost iconic part of the 80s, being lucky enough to have a sports car with a T-top was a nice trophy to show off. The problem was that there were a lot of security problems with them. The first and most important was the structural safety of the car, which was compromised by the T-Tops.

5. Velvet seats.

I never really saw the elegance in having a car with these types of seats, a spill of chocolate or soda was enough to ruin them forever. Also every summer these seats were a nightmare, even so, they were quite common, you could see them in Honda models up to Cadillacs.

6. Automatic antennas.

I did like this feature, you turned on the car and you could immediately see the antenna rising by itself, it looked luxurious, and it also made it practically impossible for the antenna to be stolen (a recurring problem in those years) the problem was that they used to break down frequently and their repair and/or replacement was not cheap. 

7. Headlight wipers.

Notable on Swedish and German luxury cars between the 80s and 90s, the small wipers on the headlights were an odd feature we've all seen at least once. Without arguing much about whether they were really useful or not, what is true is that once they broke down, their repair was quite expensive.

8. Side button to release the seat belt.

Nowadays, this button is almost always found where the seat belt enters. Many cars from the 80s and 90s had the aforementioned belt release system on the side, you had to press it (like really press it) to free you.

9. Button seats.

Remember car seats that had buttons just like a living room chair? Those were pretty comfortable seats and offered a bit of luxury as well. GM was known for doing this with their interior parts. Chrysler was one of the last automakers to offer this feature within their interiors.

10. Mobile phones

Before this life we currently live in which everyone has a cell phone at all times, only the elite could afford to chat on the go. This was done by installing a hardwired car phone in your vehicle. The service was connected through satellites and only the cream of the crop could afford it. The Porsche 930 Slantnose and Mercedes 560SEL were two of the first cars to have this feature.

11. Beaded seat covers.

Horrible feature! Actually, it was more like an accessory, but their function was (supposedly) to make the trip more comfortable in addition to providing a visual decoration to the interior. No, thank you.

12. Talking dashboards

As computer synthesizer technology advanced in the 1980s, so did car interiors. Nissan was the first to offer a talking car with the 1981 Datsun Maxima. The car would alert you if it was time for an oil change, if the door was ajar, or if you had forgotten to put on your seat belt, among other things.

13. Technicolor dashboards.

Just like the DeLorean looked in Back To The Future, this is how many car dashboards looked back then, full of little lights of different colors in a clear attempt to make them look more futuristic. Unfortunately, what happened was that it carried expensive dashboard replacements. The Camaro Berlinetta was one of those vehicles that tried to take advantage of digital design. Consumers did not adapt to this at all, and in the late 90s, many dashboards returned to analog.

And so we conclude the list of features that we no longer see in current cars, which others do you remember?

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Does anyone else miss going out to video stores and renting movies?

You didn't ask to be part of Generation X, nobody asked to be a Millennial or a Baby Boomer. If you are wondering what are these terms? They are simply names given to those born in a certain period of time, the 80s, the 90s, or the new millennium era.

The truth is that each generation has something good and exceptional in it, it is very easy to think that those who were born after us will never enjoy any given thing we used to dig so much, but that is precisely the beauty of being born when we were born, we had something that future generations will never have, just as we didn't get to experience things that our older brothers, uncles, and parents did.

On this occasion, we will talk about video stores (or video clubs), a must-visit place to rent the latest VHSs and DVDs. Some video stores even rented Betamax and others even rented video games, especially in the era of the Super Nintendo (SNES) and the Nintendo 64.

Everything makes me nostalgic when it comes to video stores, remembering those times being just a kiddo, heading there to get your membership, some of them were made of paper and were laminated, and some others were plastic cards with your photograph (like the ones at  Blockbuster).

Sometimes it took longer to choose the movie or movies we were going to take than to watch them, wandering through the corridors, taking the boxes to read the synopses on the back, sometimes you had already chosen a movie when you found a better one, and who didn't rent the same movie twice or more?

Also, maybe not all of us, but many of us forgot to return a movie for days or said "I'll return it tomorrow" more than once, accumulating fines.

The two video stores I liked to go to closed years ago, they could not compete with the era of the internet and satellite television, YouTube, Netflix, DirecTv, Dish and so many other services that caused video stores to close, leaving their hallways empty, corridors that once were brightened with the happiness of children and adults, an easy way to amuse a child was to suggest going to rent a movie, now children have tablets and smartphones, and if they forget them at home they will hardly have fun with something else, for us even uncovering the VCR to clean it with alcohol and cotton was fun.

There are still some video stores subsisting, but now they also sell toys, collectible items, candy, sodas, even t-shirts, anything to remain on business, I hope that one day they will resurface as something vintage so I can take my children to live the experience.

By the way:

What happened to those Redbox machines? I haven't seen them in a while and they used to be everywhere.

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Monday, November 27, 2023

People that abandon everything and go travel around the world. How do they do it?

World traveler, a profession that we would all like to perform but just a few dare to go all the way into it, is not at all easy to abandon everything and go out into the outside world to visit countries with different laws, different cultures, facing risks and the high expenses that entails.

First of all, most of us have jobs, poorly paid or well paid but we have them, even if they are routine, even if they are boring, or even if we love them, but at the end of the day we are anchored.

Secondly, we have family, "Mom I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to travel the world", yeah right!

Last but not least we have piles of things that anchor us to where we are, we have debts to pay, we are afraid of change, afraid of the unknown, some have an ex that does not allow them to move forward, in short, the reasons for not throwing everything away are many and varied.

So... how do those who get involved in that lifestyle manage it?

Let's save time, you probably have to work and you have little time to read this post, so let's go straight to the examples, three nice examples of people who said "I'm done, I don't want to continue being part of a corporation, I don't want to continue working to make my boss richer nor do I want to continue seeing the same 4 walls for the rest of my life", they grabbed their backpack and went for it!

1st Case: Matthew Karsen.

This traveler-photographer-blogger has been traveling the world for more than 5 years, with his blog titled Expert Vagabond he practically gets all of his expenses covered, he originally planned to travel for a year and go back to normal, but he fell in love with that lifestyle and couldn't quit it..

¿How does he do it?

As detailed in his blog, Matthew has done everything from going to different places asking for work to generate more money to travel, he's been writing reviews of places he has visited for other websites or magazines. But currently, most of his income comes from the internet, he sells ebooks about his lifestyle and gives advice, in addition, several companies (American Express for example) pay him to advertise on his blog, other companies pay him to use and show their products on his photos such as camping equipment, photography utensils, etc.
As if that were not enough, the photographs he takes on his trips (some of them quite amazing) are registered under his name, so if (for example) National Geographic wants to use them, they must pay him for them, but to take the first step he first reduced his expenses and comforts in half when he was still a slave to the labor system, he says that he sold his car so that he would not be paying for gas, insurance, or services, he canceled his gym and Netflix memberships, only that way he could begin his new lifestyle.

2nd Case: Jonathan Kubben QuiƱones.

Son of a Latin mother, yes, those who worry a lot, he started traveling the world and now maintains an Instagram account with more than 579 thousand followers which is called "Mom I'm Fine" in which he uploads photos in different parts of the world and he's always holding a sign letting his mother know that he is fine.

¿How does he do it?

Well, savings, that's how it all started, he also had to sell his car to secure more destinations for his journey, but now with so many followers and so much traffic that his Instagram page generates, it has started paying him for his publications, Jonathan has also expressed his interest in getting a sponsor, he has also made friends everywhere, some of them cooperate to buy him plane tickets so he can go visit them again.

3rd Case: Dereck Earl.

Earl is probably one of the most experienced world travelers in the world, he started doing it in 1999! Since then he has not stopped, he has visited more than 88 countries in which he has worked, eaten, and lived temporarily until deciding that it is time to travel to a new destination.

¿How does he do it?

Earl has literally done everything from working on cruise ships, teaching English, being a tour guide, to acting on a television show in order to get more money to continue traveling, he was even kidnapped in Bangladesh, he also has a blog although he seems not to rely that much on it but rather on some ebooks that he has put up for sale. His steps have been practically the same during all these years: get a job wherever he is, save the money, travel, then get another job, save more money, and continue traveling, he even has his own tour company.

So, 9 to 5ers of the world, office slaves, constantly stressed and pressured by work life, how would you like to travel the world?

TIP: There's a website titled Working Traveler that helps you find job opportunities all around the world in exchange for a room to stay, food, and money obviously, many of those world travelers use it as well as and

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