Saturday, July 13, 2019

That crazy obsession with "Likes".

Social networks are an issue widely discussed today, like, widely. To explain them is as complicated as unnecessary, we all have made use of at least two social networks in our life.

Focusing entirely on Facebook, everything is reduced to a Like, but, what does a like represent? Are thousands of likes synonymous of popularity? You bet! At least for me, the images published by the several existing pages with a lot of likes are simply the result of how to shape the minds of their visitors. Here are some examples as common as ridiculous

"Like if you love God"... I would like to know: What the hell does God have to do with a "like"?

Other posts condition certain behaviors and even give you options such as:

"Like if you love your mom. Ignore if you don't" So it turns out that to show the world that we love our mothers, all we have to do is give a like, just like that!

But well, there are a lot of examples like these and the list grows every day, the administrators of Facebook pages obsessed with generating traffic on their sites even dare to promise that "soon you will receive a miracle" just by hitting the like button:

Other administrators are not satisfied with just your like, they want you to comment and share their ridiculous publication:

"Like if you like Coca Cola, share if you like Pepsi and comment if you like Shasta"

The result: a lot of traffic for their pages. But, what is the objective of this? Are they earning something with that huge traffic? As far as I know Facebook does not pay to pages administrators just because that have lots of likes and shares.

I would ask for a like but this blog doesn't have a Facebook account so... I guess I won't ever understand the reason for this obsession with likes. So here's a selection of incoherent images that you might have already seen on Facebook and who knows ... Maybe you've even liked them.

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