Monday, November 27, 2023

People that abandon everything and go travel around the world. How do they do it?

World traveler, a profession that we would all like to perform but just a few dare to go all the way into it, is not at all easy to abandon everything and go out into the outside world to visit countries with different laws, different cultures, facing risks and the high expenses that entails.

First of all, most of us have jobs, poorly paid or well paid but we have them, even if they are routine, even if they are boring, or even if we love them, but at the end of the day we are anchored.

Secondly, we have family, "Mom I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to travel the world", yeah right!

Last but not least we have piles of things that anchor us to where we are, we have debts to pay, we are afraid of change, afraid of the unknown, some have an ex that does not allow them to move forward, in short, the reasons for not throwing everything away are many and varied.

So... how do those who get involved in that lifestyle manage it?

Let's save time, you probably have to work and you have little time to read this post, so let's go straight to the examples, three nice examples of people who said "I'm done, I don't want to continue being part of a corporation, I don't want to continue working to make my boss richer nor do I want to continue seeing the same 4 walls for the rest of my life", they grabbed their backpack and went for it!

1st Case: Matthew Karsen.

This traveler-photographer-blogger has been traveling the world for more than 5 years, with his blog titled Expert Vagabond he practically gets all of his expenses covered, he originally planned to travel for a year and go back to normal, but he fell in love with that lifestyle and couldn't quit it..

¿How does he do it?

As detailed in his blog, Matthew has done everything from going to different places asking for work to generate more money to travel, he's been writing reviews of places he has visited for other websites or magazines. But currently, most of his income comes from the internet, he sells ebooks about his lifestyle and gives advice, in addition, several companies (American Express for example) pay him to advertise on his blog, other companies pay him to use and show their products on his photos such as camping equipment, photography utensils, etc.
As if that were not enough, the photographs he takes on his trips (some of them quite amazing) are registered under his name, so if (for example) National Geographic wants to use them, they must pay him for them, but to take the first step he first reduced his expenses and comforts in half when he was still a slave to the labor system, he says that he sold his car so that he would not be paying for gas, insurance, or services, he canceled his gym and Netflix memberships, only that way he could begin his new lifestyle.

2nd Case: Jonathan Kubben QuiƱones.

Son of a Latin mother, yes, those who worry a lot, he started traveling the world and now maintains an Instagram account with more than 579 thousand followers which is called "Mom I'm Fine" in which he uploads photos in different parts of the world and he's always holding a sign letting his mother know that he is fine.

¿How does he do it?

Well, savings, that's how it all started, he also had to sell his car to secure more destinations for his journey, but now with so many followers and so much traffic that his Instagram page generates, it has started paying him for his publications, Jonathan has also expressed his interest in getting a sponsor, he has also made friends everywhere, some of them cooperate to buy him plane tickets so he can go visit them again.

3rd Case: Dereck Earl.

Earl is probably one of the most experienced world travelers in the world, he started doing it in 1999! Since then he has not stopped, he has visited more than 88 countries in which he has worked, eaten, and lived temporarily until deciding that it is time to travel to a new destination.

¿How does he do it?

Earl has literally done everything from working on cruise ships, teaching English, being a tour guide, to acting on a television show in order to get more money to continue traveling, he was even kidnapped in Bangladesh, he also has a blog although he seems not to rely that much on it but rather on some ebooks that he has put up for sale. His steps have been practically the same during all these years: get a job wherever he is, save the money, travel, then get another job, save more money, and continue traveling, he even has his own tour company.

So, 9 to 5ers of the world, office slaves, constantly stressed and pressured by work life, how would you like to travel the world?

TIP: There's a website titled Working Traveler that helps you find job opportunities all around the world in exchange for a room to stay, food, and money obviously, many of those world travelers use it as well as and

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