Sunday, July 14, 2019

10 Men Reveal Their Worst Breakup Excuses.

Breaking up with someone should be easy, right?

The truth is that not all of us have that "talent", there are people who don't beat around the bush and just drop it straight and filter-less: I think we should stop seeing each other.

End of the relationship, there is no doubt.

But there are many women who do not do it directly and they are creative when it comes to ending a relationship, in this Reddit thread several men shared the worst excuses they have heard, here we selected the 10 best:

As you can see, this has nothing to do with the clichés "it's not you, it's me" or "I think we need a break", oh no, this is another level. Share what has been the most ridiculous excuse you have been given (both men and women).

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