Saturday, July 13, 2019

10 Reasons to live away from your family at least once in a lifetime.

Living in the house where you grew up and where you have always lived is amazing, isn't it? Well, on one side there's mom and dad, you get up late and breakfast is ready, you have services like water, electricity, telephone, internet, gas and you do not have to pay for them or maybe they make you "pay" with chores but please! That is a life dreamed by many.

Everything is honky-dory until one day you have to move! Whether if it is to another city, state or country and for whatever the reason it is, to study, to work or because you're a risky crazy person who "wants to try the world out there". So... Now who is going to cook for you? Who will wash the dishes and pick up your clothes?

Calm down, you are about to discover a new world that will make you grow personally and emotionally.

Here are the whys:

1. It makes you, better yet, it forces you to carry the 'Adult' title.

Since there are not mommy or daddy around anymore you will soon realize that you have to take care of yourself, unless daddy keeps paying for your stuff but, come on! That's cheating. So if you do it properly, you'll find a place to live, you'll pay your bills, clean your house, you'll do the cooking, shopping, etc. And yes, it will be tough, but it will be one of the greatest lessons of your life.

2. It makes you a decision maker.

At the beginning, they may not be very good decisions, but you will improve. Things from deciding how much to save and how much to spend, to how often do laundry and other small and large decisions. Even if you're not super nailing it, it feels good to know that you are in charge.

3. You learn to adapt.

You'll realize of all the whims you had when you lived with your family, things that you didn't really need, and you will also learn about priorities. You will suffer sometimes, if there's no milk you will have to drink black coffee, if your favorite shirt is dirty you will have to use another one, but you will learn to flow, to adapt to situations, and it will not be something you are ashamed of, just the opposite, you'll feel pride because you will grow as a person, it'll be a new you.

4. It will improve your dealings with people.

Living alone gives you the tools you need to deal with all kinds of people around you, it makes you more friendly, smarter, more empathetic, more assertive. You will also learn to coexist with those who do not necessarily have the same opinions or lifestyle that you have, and this is good.

5. It gives you self-respect.

The moment you say "this time I won't ask my dad for money, I'll handle it" and you can see yourself in the mirror and realize that you are achieving it, that you need less and less of that unconditional support that your parents will always provide but you'll leave for mere emergencies; You'll be transformed.

6. It'll give you more privacy.

Living alone means not having to deal with rules alien to you, no more sermons because you were late, or because you did not clean up, etc. You can bring anyone you want to home, you can organize a camp in your yard if you want, you can even put the rule "beds lying is prohibited in this house."

7. It gives you time to think about life and other things.

More privacy means more time to reflect on life and your personal goals and dreams, the mistakes you have made, among other things. If before you could not eat without being accompanied, now you will learn to enjoy and feel comfortable with loneliness: you will learn to be comfortable with your own company.

8. It helps you to appreciate more your parents, family and friends.

Once you live it you realize the effort involved in making things work, you will appreciate the sacrifices and the hard work that your parents had to make in order to get you ahead. Remember to call them and thank them.

9. You can finally have a pet.

You may have been already allowed to it when you lived with your family, but not everyone has the same luck, or maybe they wouldn't let you have it inside the house, now you can have a scorpion if you want (just be careful), but assuming you opt by the traditional dog or cat you can have it wherever you want, it is also an excellent option to keep you company.

10. You can decorate as you wish.

Unless you live in a nursing home which is not very recommendable from the point of view that you would have again some "parents" and rules under which to be, if you rent a place you can put the posters you want, a neon sign of Budweiser, Coors, Heineken or whatever you want, there will be no censors, if your parents visit you and try to impose their decoration, that's wrong, it's your place and you decide how things are ordered (or disordered).

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