Thursday, February 10, 2022

8 Things she wants you to do this Valentine's Day but she won't tell you

In case you haven't noticed, women give little subtle hints of what they want from their partners, they don't want to express it verbally, they want their boyfriend, husband, lover, etc. to notice. Let us tell you loud and clear that Valentine's Day is coming up! And while maybe, just maybe, for you it is any nonsense, maybe for her it is not, perhaps she expects even a minimum detail on your part.

We understand you, you don't read minds, and you may not be a hopeless romantic but there are ways you can stand up and survive this Valentine's Day. Therefore, we leave you these 8 tips:

1) She wants to be your first option.

If you can make plans with her before the 14th, great! No one wants to be someone's second choice, calling her in the middle of Valentine's Day, already late, to see if she wants to do something, will give a very bad message. Show her that you thought about her from days before, she wants your attention, she wants your time.

2) She wants you to touch her "unintentionally".

While watching a movie, or sitting in a park, or in a restaurant, it doesn't matter if you're already a couple, if you two just starting dating or if you've been together for years. Contact is something expected that day, a light touch to her hands, a hug, an "I can't resist it anymore" followed by a kiss. It is not something that is rehearsed, please do not do it, it will look mechanical, instead, do it naturally and in the moment, no effort needed.

3) She wants you to bring out your inner chef.

You can start the day by inviting her to have breakfast, she'll have something cooked by a highly renowned chef: You. A breakfast is simple: Two cups of coffee, toast, bacon and eggs, waffles, or something more complicated if you want. Later plans can be anything, go to the movies, go anywhere, but the fact that you started the day by feeding your partner will add points abundantly.

4) Nothing in secret.

She doesn't want you to lead her down the path of darkness so no one sees you both together. That doesn't speak well of you (nor of her if she agrees to hang out on those terms). What do you think she prefers? If you show her that you can hug her and kiss her even in front of your friends, if you talk about her as your treasure. She wants you to be authentic when you're with her, to joke with her, to keep her close to you, to hold her hand if you walk down the street.

5) She wants to receive a surprise. 

It doesn't have to be something material or luxurious, just something as proof that you think about her, you can lie to her a little, you can tell her that you are going to the movies and end up taking her to a drive-in movie theater that you previously set up in your patio with a projector, wine, a blanket and chocolates (for example), the detail is much better, don't you think? Delight her with something special.

6) Show there was effort from your part.

And one more time, it's not about material things, unless she is more interested in your wallet than in you, she most likely wants to see that you put some effort into the details of that day, a gift made by yourself, perhaps something that means something to both of you, even a USB flashdrive filled with her favorite movies can be that something, especially if you remembered all the ones she likes, it's something that yells that you've put effort and thought process into the detail.

7) You should do it every day, but that day do not forget to tell her that she is beautiful.

When you pick her up, when she's finally ready (yes, most of them spend a good amount of time getting ready, it is what it is), tell her that she looks spectacular, it's not about satiating her ego, it's more like a declaration of how much you like her and that's something that every woman craves for deep down in her soul. It doesn't take any effort to sincerely praise a woman, besides, if you're with her it's because you like her, you just need to remind her how beautiful her eyes are, or her hair, or her lips, whatever. that you like about her, and yes, this also includes her personality, but come on! Say something about what your eyes are seeing too.

8) Little details.

Instead (or apart) of giving her an expensive perfume and saying "Happy Valentine's Day, see you tomorrow"  you could give her small and varied details throughout the time you spend together, a slow dance wherever you are, a hug under a starry night, a first kiss maybe, something she can remember for a long time.

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