Monday, July 15, 2019

The 10 Best Episodes Of The Simpsons Ever.

Attempting to make an introduction to something as well known as The Simpsons is nothing but unnecessary, since 1989 this family has been making our lives happier, generations have grown up watching their episodes!

Several people think that over time the episodes quality and content have been declining, well, in I'm Bored, Tell Me Something we agree with that since we made a list of the 10 best episodes of The Simpsons and boy, we were surprised to discover that many of them belong to their first seasons.

So here they go (and they're not ordered in any way, each one of them is excellent):

1. Mayored to the Mob.

Season 10.
At a Star Wars convention, Homer rescues Mark Hamill and Mayor Quimby from a crowd of nerds, that's how he becomes the mayor's personal bodyguard.

Epic moment: When Homer enters the kitchen after receiving his training and sees Marge, then says on his intercom "The pig is in the poke".

2. The Last Temptation of Homer.

Season 5.
The labor inspectors demand that Mr. Burns hire at least one woman in the nuclear plant and that ends up being Mindy, a beautiful engineer of whom Homer falls in love and with whom destiny insists on keep making them end together

Epic moment: When Bart is forced to see the eye doctor, a dermatologist and many other doctors who end up turning him into a nerd, then someone applies a throat spray that changes his voice and he says "Oooooh thanks nice lady, my voice is crazy with this brain already. Ooooh I feel so much better Mr. Medical science-type person."

3. Homer the Heretic.

Season 4.
The family prepares to go to church as every Sunday, but Homer decides that it is getting too cold out there and ends up staying at home, so he decides to stop going to church indefinitely.

Epic moment: When Homer is curling up in bed like a “big toasty cinnamon bun” with an expression of complete satisfaction and comfort.

4. Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part 1 and 2).

We know they are two episodes but let's just see them as one, shall we? What an excellent marketing strategy they used! By ending the sixth season with a mystery and leaving everyone in shock without knowing who had shot the richest man in Springfield, then they started the seventh season with a super audience thirsty for knowing the truth: Maggie Simpson.

Epic moment: When Mr. Burns is in the hospital and he's only able to say "Homer Simpson", then Dr. Nick asks him how is he feeling and he responds: "Homer... Simpson, Homer... D'oh... Simpson".

5. Homer the Great.

Season 6.
Homer discovers that Lenny and Carl belong to a super secret club that gives them benefits everywhere, didn't you laugh to death with this episode?

Epic moment: When Marge tells Homer that she does not want him to be spying on anyone, then Homer says "Oh, okay, have it your own way, Marge. I'll be back in a minute. I'm... going outside to... stalk... Lenny and Carl......... D'oh!"

6. Flaming Moe's.

Season 3.
While being at Moe's Homer shares a drink he discovered and Moe ends up appropriating it and proclaiming himself as the inventor.

Epic moment: When they give to a customer a taste of the new drink and he asks how is it called, Homer is about to answer when Moe interrupts saying "Flaming Moe. It's called a Flaming Moe. That's right, a Flaming Moe. My name is Moe, and I invented it. That's why it's called a Flaming Moe. What, what are you looking at Homer? It's a Flaming Moe, I'm Moe".

7. $pringfield, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling.

Season 5.
Mr. Burns opens a casino in Springfield where Homer starts working, Marge becomes addicted to the slots, Bart has his own casino at his treehouse and Burns ends up losing his mind and letting his hair and beard grow.

Epic moment: When Lisa wakes up Homer to tell him that she dreamed the Bogeyman was after she and Homer says "AAAGGHH!! BOGEYMAN!? You nail the windows shut, I'll get the gun!" then runs into Bart's room and tells him "Bart, I don't want to alarm you, but there may be a bogeyman or bogeymen in the house!".

8. Homer at the Bat.

Season 3.
Burns bets a million dollars with the owner of the Shelbyville nuclear plant in a softball match between the two plants, then Homer and his colleagues are replaced by professional players.

Epic moment: When Homer asks Darryl Strawberry (who is also a right fielder just like Homer) if he is better than him and Darryl replies "Well, I never met you... but... Yes.".

9. Viva Ned Flanders.

Season 10.
Ned Flanders confesses that he is 60 years old and that he has resisted all his impulses, then he ends up asking Homer for help to learn to live life so they travel to Las Vegas where after becoming super intoxicated they realize that they married two cocktail waitresses.

Epic moment: When they see the VHS tape that proves that they actually got married and Flanders in complete drunkenness says "I okely-dokely-schmokely do!".

10. Deep Space Homer.

Season 5.
NASA starts looking for a common citizen to go into space and that turns out to be Homer after competing arduously against Barney.

Epic moment: If you thought it was when Homer eats the chips, then no! Too trite, the epic moment is when Barney who had stopped drinking shows Homer how he regained his balance and diction, then starts doing backflips while saying "I am the very model of a modern major general, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral.".

So, what do you think? Considering that The Simpsons currently have more than 660 episodes it will be difficult not to feel that one or more episodes are missing on this list, but let us know, what episode would you add?

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