Saturday, July 13, 2019

10 Types of friends you DON'T need in your life.

It's easy to be friendly, but being a friend, carrying that title, by all means, that's something else. There are friends who change your life for good and then there are those toxic friendships that leaves you exhausted and emotionally disappointed.

Maybe, it is time to re-evaluate some of your friendships. Here are 10 types of friends that you simply do not need in your life.

1. The one that never has time for you.

The one who has all the time in the world to party seven days a week, but coincidentally is always busy when you need him/her for a favor, a tip, a conversation, whatever that does not involve alcohol and partying.

2. The one that does not have initiative for plans.

If you are the only one making plans and you are the one who makes that call to set up a weekend plan, a trip to the beach, etc. If suddenly you notice that if you never call that friend, he/she will not call you, then, what are you doing?

3. The one that disappears when you're having a bad time.

It is during difficult times when you most need a sincere friend who is there for you and if this "friend" is only there when things look good... I regret telling you that he/she does not deserve a place in your life.

4. Those who come to you when you are at your best.

In the opposite case to the previous point, if when things are going just normal you barely see that friend, but as soon as you get a stroke of luck and everything is rosy in your life, magically that friend appears! Just remember that when the stroke of luck disappears, so will he/she.

5. The one that makes you feel like a piece of shit.

Being honest is a great quality in a friend, but there is a thin line between being honest and being cynical. You do not need unnecessary and constant criticism about everything you do in your life; that's not a friends' thing.

6. Those who don't trust you at all after so many years of loyalty.

You are not the one to blame if someone else betrayed him/her in the past, if after many years your friend still cannot trust you fully, then that will probably never happen.

7. The one that changes the way he/she is while being with other friends.

When no one's around he/she is the best friend you could ever ask for, but as soon as his/her other friends arrive his/her personality changes and suddenly turns into a pedantic person, a bragger, someone totally different and with other "qualities" you don't really appreciate. That's a 'friend' with masks.

8. The one who does not forget or forgive.

We all make involuntary mistakes, but if that friend does not forget what happened or is incapable of really forgiving you and spends time reminding you when you screwed up then, believe me, there won't be a happy ending in that friendship.

9. Those that are too competitive (like... way too much).

Oh man... I hate this kind of "friends"! I call them "the always one step ahead". A moderate amount of competitiveness is motivating, it is healthy, but if they spend so much time comparing and highlighting all those things that (according to them) they do better than you and others, that's just pathetic!

10. Those who are ashamed of you.

These are the worst, true friends are those who love you for who you are, and they accept your shortcomings. If someone is constantly trying to change you or even worse: talking about how imperfect you are behind your back! Then as the saying goes "with friends like these, who need enemies?"

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