Saturday, July 6, 2019

How To Make It Through College.

College is probably one of the most important stages in the life of any person, it is for many and for others, it is simply the last step to the freedom from the social pressure that dictates that "everyone should have a university degree".

It doesn´t matter what your situation is:

  1. You do it to please your parents.
  2. You want the title so you do not feel like a failure.
  3. You really want to be a professional.

Or whatever the reason is, if you want to reach the end of a career the truth is: College is tough.

To grant you the access to that highly desired title, teachers are going to make you sweat, they will make it difficult (not all of them though) and many students abandon the dream and stop trying before achieving it. Probably you have already felt that kind of desperation and desire to give up, the frustration that some subjects are so difficult to pass, the anger with some teachers.

But hang in there, this process will end some day, you just have to put up a bit, move step by step, and the day when you say goodbye to homework, exhibitions, exams and teachers will finally arrive.

Here I have gathered some tips that helped me through this process through the different classrooms and steps needed to earn a university degree.

  • Pick a career that you really, REALLY like.

Think about it, even when you are studying something that you really love, that doesn't mean it won't get complicated, now ... how do you think it would be to study something that you are not passionate about?

So, choose wisely, choose something that is worth fighting for, something that truly motivates you.

  • Make a graph of your progress.

To make this process more bearable you can make a table with different squares, for example; each square can represent a semester, so that each time you finish a semester you would be crossing out that square, this can relieve tension in those moments in which you want to send everything to hell, you take your graph and observe everything that you have advanced, it is motivational to say " I've already taken care of more than half of it, just a little more."

  • Don't let your grades define you.

Think that one day you will be 50 years old or older. When that happens, will you remember that you got an F in math?

Live the moment, the present, enjoy it, enjoy your friends, befriend with your teachers and do not worry too much about your grades.

In my case, I did the best I could and I used to see all my classmates asking the teachers for their grades, I never asked or became interested in just one grade and in the graduation: Surprise! It turned out that I had one of the best averages of my generation, and if it had not been like that, would it have mattered? Hell no! There's work for everyone out there, for the best and for the worst average.

  • Friendships that impel you to succeed.

You have no idea how much this helps, if you have friends that support you, friends to have fun with  (I mean, not everything is studying) and friends that will be with you during the different processes of your career, well, that is very motivating.

It helps a lot to get up every morning to know that you and your comrades are looking for the same goal, and in the end you stay with relationships that will last your whole life (remembering stories after many years is the best).

  • Promess it to someone.

Finally, if you are struggling to achieve it and the lack of motivation is growing, maybe you can "inject" a little stimulation by making a promise to a loved one, your mother, your grandparents, your partner, someone who deserves that gift, the gift to see you finish your career.

This also provides great personal satisfaction, when that day finally arrives and you say to that person: "I made it, and it was for you" is a moment you will never forget and that you will carry in your heart for the rest of your life.

My best wishes.

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