Friday, October 11, 2019

The future of Credit / Debit cards.

This upcoming innovation is about to replace most of the credit and debit cards as we all know them.

Without further unnecessary explanation: We are talking about 2-in-1 cards.

The image (I think) perfectly describes the mechanism, doesn't it?

The plastic gives you the option to decide what purchases to make with which account, and so you would not have to carry two different cards, as an example, let's say you want to pay for something like a Starbucks coffee, you could choose "debit" and the amount would be withdrawn from your savings account, but then some other day you decide to pay your hotel reservation for your next vacation and you choose credit to pay in installments, well the truth is that it's pretty straightforward.

What is in doubt here is: how the average citizen will react when they get offered a card like? I mean, a huge amount of people are still afraid of electronic wallets and cell phone payment options like Apple Pay.

But well, this new technology is already on its way and we will surely see it soon in our respective cities, remember that you saw it first in I'm Bored Tell Me Something.

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